NPS Families,
As we approach the weekend and prepare for next week, we are monitoring the winter weather forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday.
If the forecast holds and impacts our ability to have in-person learning, we will shift to remote learning. As a reminder, NPS uses an asynchronous model, offering our families flexibility for students to complete assignments. Students will not be penalized for work assigned during a remote learning day.
Our PK-6th grade students should have received choice boards and/or learning activities to complete at home if a remote learning day becomes necessary. Our 7th-12th grade students can complete assignments independently through Canvas or any work provided by their teachers. We understand that remote learning can create challenges, but we greatly appreciate the efforts of our curriculum coordinators and teachers in helping to ease the burden on our students and families.
We also have the April 18th Professional Development Day, which could be used as an instructional day if needed, but we would like to reserve this option in case we experience severe weather in the spring.
Additionally, as a reminder, we are adding one minute to our students' instructional time starting Tuesday, February 18th to make up the day we lost this week.
As you know, Oklahoma weather can be unpredictable, so as we gather more data, we may need to adjust this plan. We will keep you updated as needed.
Thank you for your continued support of NPS.